Scientific publications (selected)
Editor, Latvian Foreign Policy Yearbook 2013 (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2014).
Co-editor with Diāna Potjomkina, Nothern Distribution Network: Redefining Partnership within NATO and Beyond (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2013).
Co-author with Kārlis Bukovskis, Aldis Austers and Kai-Olaf Lang, Baltic-German Strategic Engagement: Realignment after the Eurocrisis? (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2013).
Co-author with Arvils Zeltins, “Baltic solidarity: Balancing national interests, institutional settings and regional opportunities” in Political State of the Region Report 2013: Trends and Directions in the Baltic Sea Region (Copenhagen: Baltic Development Forum, 2013), 74-77.
Editor, The Economic Presence of Russia and Belarus in the Baltic States: Risks and Opportunities (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs and AEPPC, 2012).
Editor, Friendship in the Making: Transforming Relations between Germany and Baltic-Visegrad Countries (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2012).
Editor, The Riga Conference Papers 2012: Collection of essays and articles (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs and LATO, 2012).
“US policy towards Central and East European countries under Obama administration: Latvian perspective” in Ivars Indans (ed.), Latvia and the United States: A New Chapter in the Partnership, (Riga: AEPPC, 2012), 45-59.
“Transatlantic Dimension of the Energy Security in the Baltic Sea Region” in Kurt Volker and Ieva Kupce (eds.), Nordic-Baltic-American Cooperation: Shaping the US-European Agenda (Washington DC: Centre for Transatlantic Relations, 2012), 141-152.
“EU-Russia Energy Relations: Baltic Perspective” in Andres Kasekamp (ed.), Estonian Foreign Policy Yearbook 2011, (Tallinn: Estonian Foreign Policy Institute, 2012), 33-58.
“Political and Economic Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Sector in the Baltic Sea region”, Briefing Paper, Atlantic Council; September 2011.
Co-author with David Koranyi, “Natural Gas and Energy Security in the Visegrad and the Baltic States”, Working Paper, Center for Transatlantic Relations, May 2011.
“Sustainable energy sector policy in the context of Latvian political and economic development: prospects and limitations” in Andris Spruds (ed.), Latvian Energy Policy: Towards a Sustainable and Transparent Energy Sector (Riga: SFL, 2010), 11-22.
“Entrapment in the Discourse of Danger? Latvian-Russian Interaction in the Context of European Integration” in Eiki Berg and Piret Ehin (eds.), Identity and Foreign Policy: Baltic-Russian Relations and European Integration (Aldershote: Ashgate, 2009), 101-116.
“Latvia’s energy strategy: between structural entrapments and policy choices” in Andris Spruds and Toms Rostoks (eds.), Energy: Pulling the Baltic Sea Region Together or Apart? (Riga: Zinatne, 2009), 223-249.
“Latvian-Russian Energy Engagement: Economic and Political Determinants and Implications” in Marek Rutkowski (ed.), Relacje Nowych Krajow Unii Europejskiej z Federacja Rosyjska (w Basenie Morza Baltyckiego (Bialystok: WSFiZ, 2009), 469-482.
“The Relationship Between Latvia and Russia and Latvia’s Energy Policy in the Context of the Russian Georgian Conflict” in Toms Rostoks (ed.), The Georgian-Russian War: Conclusions and Homework for Latvia and Allies (Riga: Soros Foundation Latvia, 2009), 70-81.
“Latvijas enerģētiskās drošības dilemmas ES dalībvalstu unilaterālisma un Eiropas “Enerģētikas ārpolitikas” kontekstā [Latvian energy security dilemmas in the context of a nation state unilateralism and European “energy foreign policy” in Atis Lejins (ed.), ES/NATO un Krievijas attiecības un jaunā drošības situācija Baltijas jūras reģionā [EU/NATO - Russia relations and the transforming security situation in the Baltic Sea region] (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2008), 7-22.
”Krievijas enerģētikas politika post-padomju telpā: Eiropas jaunie kaimiņi un Baltijas valstis” [Russian energy policy in post-Soviet area: European New Neighbours and Baltic States] in Atis Lejins (ed.),Pastiprināta ES austrumu kaimiņu politika: jautājumi un izaicinājumi [Enhanced EU Eastern Neighbourhood Policy: Issues and Challenges] (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2007), 35-50.
“Russia’s ‘Energy Superpower’: Between Realpolitik and New State Idea” in May-Britt Stumbaum and Magnus Christiansson (eds.), Security Challenges of Times of Change: Regional Options for Cooperation and Development (Conference Proceedings), (Berlin: German Council of Foreign Relations, 2007), 15-23.
“Latvijas un Krievijas enerģētikas dialogs: ieguvumu vai ”Gazpromizācijas” virzienā?” [Latvian-Russian energy dialogue: towards gains or “Gazpromization”?] in Akadēmiskā Dzīve, Issue 44. (October 2007).
“Shared Neighbourhood” Between the Perceptions and Interests of EU “Ostpolitik” and Russia’s “Near Abroad” Policy” in Andrei Zagorski (ed.), Russia, EU and the Baltic States (Conference Proceedings) (Moscow: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 2007), 11-16.
“EU-Russia Energy Dialogue in the Context of the Prospective Partnership and Cooperation Agreement” in Atis Lejins (ed.), The EU Common Foreign and Security Policy toward Russia: the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement as a Test Case (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2006), 77-89.
“Latvian-Russian Energy Relations: Between Economics and Politics” in Nils Muiznieks (ed.), Latvian-Russian Relations: Domestic and International Dimensions (Riga: Latvia University, 2006), 110-118.
“Regional Ramifications of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution: Transnistrian Conflict Settlement” in Atis Lejins (ed.), The European Union’s Eastern Neighbours after the Orange Revolution (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2006), 30-44.
“The NEGP and Russia’s Gas Diplomacy: Latvian Perspective” in Baltic Mosaic Analytics (Winter-Spring 2006), 15-25.
“Moldovas eiropeizācijas iekšpolitiskā un starptautiskā dimensija. Latvijas iespējas un ierobežojumi” [Domestic and international dimension of Moldova’s Europeanization. Latvia’s opportunities and constrains] in Research Paper Volume [Latvian Foreign Policy and “Border Spanning”] of Commission of Strategic Analysis, Vol.7, No.1 (2006), 154-176.
“Business Factor in Russian-Latvian Relations: Cooperation and Competition” in Leonid Karabeshkin (ed.) The Regional Dimension in Russian-Baltic Relations (St.Petersburg: CIRP, 2005), 199-203.
“Values and Interests in the European Union-Russia Relations: Towards Cooperation or Conflict” in Antoni Kuklinski and Krzysztof Pawlowski (eds.), Europe- the Global Challenges (Nowy Sacz: WSB-NLU, 2005), 299-305.
“Russia’s Policy Towards Europe’s “New Neighbours”: in Pursuit of Partnership or Domination?” in Atis Lejins (ed.), An Enlarged Europe and Its Neighbourhood Policy: the Eastern Dimension (Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2004), 29-46.
“Perceptions and Interests in Russian-Baltic Relations” in Helmut Hubel (ed.) EU Enlargement and Beyond: the Baltic States and Russia (Berlin: Verlag Arno Spitz, 2002), 345-370.
Political Priorities and Economic Interests in Russian-Latvian Relations, NUPI (Norwegian International Affairs Institute) Working Paper No. 620, December 2001.
“Russian-Latvian Relations since 1991” in Ruth Buttner, Vera Dubina and Michael Leonov (eds.) Russia and the Baltic States: Political Relations, National Identity and Social Thought in XVIII-XX Centuries(Samara: Samara State University, 2001), 146-171.
Project contributions and publications
Expert input on Latvian-US relations in Jeremy Shapiro and Nick Witney, Towards a Post-American Europe: A Power Audit of EU-US Relations, Report by the European Council on Foreign Relations, November 2009; available from
Lead authorship, with co-authors Martins Daugulis and Karlis Bukovskis, Latvia: Country Report, report under the project framework The Unfinished Business of the Fifth Enlargement Countries coordinated by Open Society Institute in Sofia and European Policy initiative, July 2009; available from
Lead authorship, with co-authors Renars Danelsons and Vadim Kononenko, Analysis of the EU’S Assistance to Moldova; briefing for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament made under the framework contract with the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), November 2008; available from
Expert input on Latvian-Russian relations in Mark Leonard and Nicu Popescu, A Power Audit of EU-Russia Relations, Report by the European Council on Foreign Relations, November 2007; available from
Authorship, The country strategy paper on Latvia’s development cooperation with Moldova, 2006-2008; accomplished in 2005 in cooperation with the UNDP Office and Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; available from
Minority Issues in the Baltic States in the Context of NATO Enlargement, NATO Research Fellowship’s End product, July 2001; available from