
Karlis Bukovskis Shares His Views on Latvian-Belarusian Relations

Karlis Bukovskis shares his views on situation in Latvian-Belarusian relations at a coffee pause entitled "Should We Accept Our Closest (Neig...

Latvian Institute of International Affairs welcomes new Fellow Mr. Imants Lieģis

Latvian Institute of International Affairs welcomes new Fellow Mr. Imants Liegis who will contribute greatly to LIIA through his analysis and...

Andris Sprūds participated in the I-CITE Study Tour

Andris Spruds participated (March 18-24) in the I-CITE Study Tour on the Transformation of the Energy Economy to Germany and Denmark coorgani...

LIIA March Newsletter (in Latvian)

Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA) begins a newsletter cycle in order to inform once a month its partners and public on curren...

Karlis Bukovskis expresses his evaluation of the EU new intergovernmental treaty

Karlis Bukovskis expresses his evaluation of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union on Latvi...

LIIA Associate Fellow Veiko Spolītis gives his views on situation in Russia

LIIA Associate Fellow Veiko Spolītis gives his views on situation in Russia in weekly broadcast. Full interview is available here.

Director of LIIA comments current international issues on radio (in Latvian)

Director of Latvian Institute of International Affairs Andris Sprūds gives his views on current international issues. Radio interview is avai...

Comments of LIIA director on referendum (in Russian)

Director of Latvian Institute of International Affairs Andris Sprūds gave his comments on referendum. Video of interview is available here. 

Latvian Institute of International Affairs welcomes the new Associate Fellow Mr. Pablo A. Rivero Morales

Latvian Institute of International Affairs welcomes the new Associate Fellow Mr. Pablo A. Rivero Morales who will contribute greatly to LIIA ...

Guest lecture by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, Nicola Poposki (video)

Latvian Institute of International Affairs in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia on February 10, 2012...