Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook 2017
256 pages
Spruds, Andris, Ilvija Bruge, Karlis Bukovskis. Latvian Foreign and Security Policy. Yearbook 2017. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2017.
The Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA) continues to assess Latvian foreign and security policy, inform society and provide recommendations for foreign policy makers and shapers. The Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook 2017 aims to contribute to the understanding of Latvia’s foreign and security policy decisions and considerations in 2016, along with opportunities and concerns for 2017. 2016 has been a complex, challenging and dynamic year. Latvia has effectively strengthened its Euro-Atlantic links and further integrated into the Western community. However, the global and regional developments have been creating a challenging canvass for Latvia’s foreign policy. The previous year clearly highlights those fundamental international and regional challenges and tests that will have to be dealt with in 2017.
Supported by: the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. In cooperation with: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.