The Centenary of Latvia’s Foreign Affairs. Global Thought and Latvia

169 pages


Spruds, Andris, Valters Scerbinskis, Karlis Bukovskis. The Centenary of Latvia’s Foreign Affairs. Global Thought and Latvia. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2019.

“The Centenary of Latvia’s Foreign Affairs. Global Thought and Latvia” continues a series of publications on ideas, activities and personalities, and future scenarios in the context of the centenary of Latvia’s statehood. The aim of this book is to explain the impact of trends in global thought on Latvia. The authors look at the development of self-determination, multilateralism, nationalism, authoritarianism, feminism, non-recognition policies, concepts surrounding the “end of history” and “clash of civilizations”, legalism and human rights, with a focus on the impact of these ideas on Latvia.

This publication and public debates have been supported by the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia and
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia.

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